[OhQP-mail] Suggestion for 2015 (Or later) OHQP

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Sun Apr 13 14:07:30 CDT 2014


You guessed it.  For quite some time, there WAS a bias against a certain 
"non-contest group" from Southwest Ohio who succeeded in winning two, 
sometimes (including an individual plaque given to a member of the 
group) three plaques each year in spite of attempts by the contest 
adjudicating committee to throw out, ignore, or otherwise disqualify 
some of the entries from that group.  I had to jump in and point out the 
error of their ways at least twice, maybe three times.  I've never 
received an apology from those who tried to quash the efforts of the 
group from SW Ohio, so I see no reason to use diplomatic language in my 

I've made other suggestions for changes in the past, and in the vast % 
of cases (well over half-vast cases) they were either ignored completely 
or I was told publicly that "we've always done it the way we've been 
doing it, and we're not about to change."

Personally, I was dumbfounded that the scoring committee didn't come up 
with ways of disallowing 3 consecutive wins by N8XX (Operator) of 
N8Q/HENRy -2010, N1L/BROWn-2011, K6JSS/UNIOn-2012 for the QRP plaque in 
the OHQP those years.  I almost believe they're actually NOT biased 
folks - so perhaps I SHOULD change my adversarial stance toward their 
actions.  And, I'm glad that some "real" competition occurred in 2013, 
because some of my "wins" were meagre in comparison to past winners.

If the good Lord's willin' and I'm "still pumping blood" as the saying 
goes, I promise to invade Ohio again in 2014 for the August event.  I 
haven't decided on which county.  I do note that operating in a county 
which has only one fixed station (like UNIOn, HENRy, and BROWn) adds 
about 10 dB to the readability of a low powered station, so I'll be 
looking for some location within striking distance of DELAware county 
which hasn't had a fixed entry for the past couple years.

72/73 de n8xx Hg
QRP >99.44% of the time

On 4/12/2014 5:08 PM, David Bunte wrote: wrote:
> Hank, probably what I found hardest to understand about your original 
> post, however, was the basis for the apparent low regard with which 
> you hold those hams in Ohio who run the OHQP.  I know you used to live 
> in Ohio, but don't see how that makes it any clearer why you make a 
> statement such as:  "But I'm a stupid enough LID to not understand 
> this axiom of common knowledge of the "Gurus on high" to whom we all 
> bow in obsequious sycophancy, never daring to question their 
> omnipotent and supreme knowledge and wisdom."  That plus your comment 
> about it perhaps taking until 2050 for change to happen, makes me 
> think that you have a history with the folks in Ohio... that I don't 
> need to or care to know about.  But it also makes it look like your 
> post was designed to "roil the waters", not to improve the OHQP.  If 
> the latter is your goal, I would suggest that you drop the jabs at 
> others, and include some good reasons for the scoring changes you 
> suggest.  Reasons that will show how such changes will make the event 
> better.

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